This is a picture of one of the walls consisting of salt bricks. Salt bricks are made entirely of Himalayan salt which helps with the halo (halotherapy) experience. Our salt bricks do not contain any VOCs (volatile organic compounds) or toxic materials of any kind. You can read more about salt bricks by reading our blog post.

This wall shows the relaxing scenery of a salt cave that was painted by a local artist named Jim Finlan. This beautiful scenery along with the gentle music help relax you during your halo salt spa experience.
See that round vent to the right? That is where our finely-grated Himalayan salt comes out.

The halogenerator that we use is the S.A.L.T. FX® Pro. This halogenerator was manufactured by a medical device facility and is UL listed, CE Certified, and QS/ISO Certified.
You can read more about halogenerators in general by reading our blog post.
Benefits of using our Halo Salt Spa

Below is a short list of how halo salt spas can help you. You can click on the links below to read more details on how salt therapy can help you with these conditions and read the medical research papers that have proven this.
- Bronchitis
- Lung Disease
- Respiratory Disease
- Asthma
- Sleep Disorders
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Rhinosinusitis
- Improve Athletics
- Reduce Anxiety
If you have some questions about our halo salt spa you may be able to find the answer on our frequently asked questions page or you can just call us at (906) 753-9905.
I’ve been going to pulmonologists, ENTs ,Allergists , holistic options , over and over again for 3o years. Asthma just got worse. Chronic cough. Even went to Cleveland Clinic Cough Clinic. Cough would never stop. Tried all drugs prescribed. Did test for gerd twice. DiD Everything and was compliant. Been going to salt suite near me for past 3 weeks- hour and half day and I HEAR the silence of not coughing ALL the time and lungs feel not as tight. No other changes so I’m sticking to it. Remarkable difference. I live in FL where weather stays the same so can’t say related to that. It’s the salt room. I’m a skeptic yet after all been through..Including Buteyko which believe is also helpful to follow principles..Yet whether proven or not..I see it is helping. Did years ago yet not as often and not double sessions. I went as was feeling desperate. Not cured by any means and on advair yet that’s it. Can even tolerate inhaling advair better now without coughing it out due to reactive airways.
Lisa Weinstock Member

#wellness #salttherapy #spa #relax #saltroom #himalayansalt #breathe