What is Halotherapy? – Salt therapy (Halotherapy) is an all-natural treatment that is drug-free that uses pharmaceutical-grade salt to help treat respiratory and skin conditions.
How does Salt Therapy Work? – Breathing in the very find pharmaceutical-grade salt is like breathing in the salty ocean air. The very fine particles are breathed in and enter your lungs then break down and release negative ions in your system. These ions stimulate and coat the linings of your respiratory system and get rid of mucous in your system while boosting your immune system at the same time.
For skin conditions, exposure to dry salt improves the skin’s good bacteria while at the same time stimulates cell regeneration and exfoliation. This process alleviates red, itchy, and flaky skin.
For sleeping disorders, salt therapy clears the nasal passageways to help reduce snoring, waking up in the middle of the night, and helping your significant other to sleet as well.
Isn’t just visiting the beach at the ocean the same thing? – No, we use pharmaceutical-grade salt that has been reduced to a mist with a more dense concentration. Also, we use dry salt which takes care of upper and lower respiratory tracts where wet salt can only reach the upper airways.
The dry salt that we use is negatively charged so that it is able to revive cilia (which helps clean and remove particles entering your lungs) and speed up the process of getting rid of foreign particles.
What skin conditions does Salt Therapy take care of? – Acne, dermatitis, eczema, and psoriasis.
What respiratory conditions does Halotherapy treat? – Allergies, Bronchitis, Asthma, COPD, Cystic Fibrosis, Rhinitis, Sinusitis, Emphysema, Colds, Hay Fever, Smokers’ Cough, plus more.
Do I have to stop any medications while using Salt Therapy? – No, it is not necessary and recommended to not stop taking your current medications.
Does being in a salt room raise my sodium level for negative health conditions? – No, the salt is breathed in and not digested.
Is Halotherapy safe for everyone? – Yes, it is an all-organic, natural treatment free of drugs and chemicals. Anyone from the age of 1 month old and older can use it. However, you should consult the doctor before trying salt therapy to be on the safe side if you have any of these conditions.
Lung Cancer
Chronic Kidney Disease
3rd Stage of COPD
IIB Stage Hyper Tension or High Blood Pressure
Coughing up Blood
Are there any side effects to Halotherapy? – No, but from breaking down the mucous in your lungs you may be coughing it up later and some people feel a slight tickle in their throats. You can drink some warm water to get rid of the tickle.
What should I wear to my Halotherapy Session? – It is recommended to not wear jewelry and to wear comfortable, loose clothing.
What rules do I have to follow? – You are not allowed to bring food and drink to the salt room and you are required to show up 10 minutes before your session so that we can process your visit. No shoes or bare feet are allowed in the salt chamber but we will supply you with sanitized slippers to wear. Also, you are required to turn off your cell phones to make the experience as pleasant as possible for you and others. (Warning: The salt may damage electronic devices so it is a pretty good idea to leave them home.)
Do I have to do anything for my session? – Just relax! Enjoy yourself, read a magazine, take a short nap and listen to relaxing music in the ambient lighting.
How long is a session? – Sessions are 45 minutes long and cost $35. Longer visits are not needed to help with your ailments but you are always welcome to book another session and stay longer to help relax and detox yourself.
How often should I go? – This really depends upon the person and the ailment being treated. When you feel the ‘need’ to come back just make an appointment with us.
What if I am claustrophobic? – There is no need to worry about this. There is ample room per person in our salt room.
Oh my and i really am loving this because this really helps with my hyperventilating.