Does salt cause headaches?

Salt may cause headaches if you ingest it only. So salt therapy itself will not give you headaches.
To help avoid getting headaches from salt avoid salty processed foods that contain harmful preservatives since preservatives trigger migraine headaches in some people. Also, try to keep your sodium intake below 2,300 mg. Most doctors say to keep it under 2,000 mg if you have high blood pressure since consuming too much sodium contributes to high blood pressure.
Although, there are new studies that show that salt can help with headaches. Read on…
Does salt help with headaches?
According to the National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey of almost 9,000 people surveyed between 1994 and 2004, the people with the highest consumed salt in their diets reported the fewest amounts of migraines and headaches but this report cannot be trusted because other factors can interfere with the findings.
You can read more about this at to get their take on salt to take away headaches.
Salt Headache Cure
Himalayan Salt Migraines
A review done by The Medindia Medical Review Team reported that drinking Himalayan Sea Salt and Lemon Juice can help get rid of a migraine headache in minutes.
The raising of serotonin levels from the Himalayan Sea Salt and the high level of potassium in lemon juice is an effective combo and individual to relieving migraine headaches.
Just take 2 teaspoons of Himalayan Sea Salt into 1 cup of water and add the juice from 1 lemon, mix thoroughly, and drink to get rid of your headache.
Salt Headache Relief
Of course, sitting in a salt room instead of ingesting it definitely will help you relieve headaches. The soothing atmosphere, relaxing music, and ambient light help calm the nerves down which helps get rid of headaches.
The inhalation of the dry micro particles of salt during a session promotes the proper drainage of your sinuses which in turn reduces inflammation symptoms. Since your nasal passages open up from the increase in drainage the pressure within the sinus cavities decreases which leads to relief from a sinus-based headache.
Epsom Salt Migraines
Taking an Epsom Salt bath is recommended by doctors and hospitals for years. Relaxing in a bath with Epson Salt relaxes the muscles and helps relieve the tension on scar tissue. Since the muscles around your head and neck are relaxed it reduces the tension up there which in turn helps alleviate any headaches you may have.
Mag Salt Migraines
Mag Salt (Magnesium Salt) can be used as a supplement if your body has low magnesium levels. Low magnesium levels have been known to cause headaches and migraines along with the symptoms of fatigue, muscle aches, and loss of appetite.
Taking a magnesium supplement to help with your aches and pains also comes with the benefit of not having adverse side effects like many medicines do. But be warned that some remedies work great with some people while others in conjunction with something else in their bodies CAN cause side effects so it is always best to consult your doctor before taking any kind of supplements.
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