A Himalayan Salt Room is a room where Halotherapy takes place. There are bricks of sand on the walls and the floor is covered with Himalayan Salt.
While you are seated in this room dry, fine-particle salt is pumped into the room while soothing music is played.
The breathing in of this fine-particular salt helps detoxify your immune system, clear up breathing passageways, and help with lung-related problems such as asthma, bronchitis, and coughing. Our spa-like conditions also help with relaxing and reducing anxiety.
What does a Himalayan salt room do?
The combination of the salt on the floor, the salt bricks on the wall, and the salt that is pumped into the room help balance the positive and negative ions that our bodies contract through the day. The negative ions help improve your mood and make you feel more relaxed.
Not only does it help with lung-related problems but it also helps some skin conditions.
Can salt rooms be harmful?
No, halotherapy (Himalayan Salt Therapy) is 100% natural, drug-free, and safe. The ingestion (not inhalation) of salt in large amounts, however, can raise your blood pressure, give you heart problems, kidney stones, and more. So be sure to watch how much salt you put on your food!
Is breathing salt air healthy?
Yes, breathing in salt, especially dry salt that goes through our Halogenerator is very healthy. It helps with skin conditions and takes care of breathing problems that you may have.
What are the benefits of salt therapy rooms?
There are many benefits to salt therapy rooms. The salt itself can help with skin conditions, clear out your breathing airways, and more. You can read more details and studies that have been done on our salt room health benefits page.
Outside of the salt, the spa-like setting with the ambient light and soothing music helps relax your body and put you in a better mood.
What should I expect after a salt room?
It is recommended to keep phones and similar devices in your pocket or not bring them at all. After all, you are here to relax! You will be required to take off your shoes and wear booties when you enter the room.
After the session, you will have a fine layer of salt on your clothes so dress accordingly.
How long should you stay in a salt room?
45 minutes is all that you need? It is recommended to come three times in a row before making a weekly or monthly visit. The frequency of the visit all depends upon what ails you. If you are having breathing problems it is recommended to come more often. If you just come for relaxation then you will not need to come as often and you can come as often as you like.
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