Salt Room Therapy Forum Reviews

A view of a mural that is in our salt therapy room.
Salt Room

See what people are saying about it in the forums:

Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America

Oh my and i really am loving this because this really helps with my hyperventilating.

Jasmine Member

I’ve been going to pulmonologists, ENTs ,Allergists , holistic options , over and over again for 3o years. Asthma just got worse. Chronic cough. Even went to Cleveland Clinic Cough Clinic. Cough would never stop. Tried all drugs prescribed. Did test for gerd twice. DiD Everything and was compliant. Been going to salt suite near me for past 3 weeks- hour and half day and I HEAR the silence of not coughing ALL the time and lungs feel not as tight. No other changes so I’m sticking to it. Remarkable difference. I live in FL where weather stays the same so can’t say related to that. It’s the salt room. I’m a skeptic yet after all been through..Including Buteyko which believe is also helpful to follow principles..Yet whether proven or not..I see it is helping. Did years ago yet not as often and not double sessions. I went as was feeling desperate. Not cured by any means and on advair yet that’s it. Can even tolerate inhaling advair better now without coughing it out due to reactive airways.

Lisa Weinstock Member

Salt Rooms are very beneficial and while MDs in the USA are not interested in them (they have enough on their plate) people who want true respiratory relief and less need of medication should be proactive and do their own homework. With google it isn’t hard.

Maxmakc Member

Sadly, my daughter’s allergist is not at all interested in learning about Salt Room Therapy. We discovered it through a friend and researched it carefully. It has trasformed a severly asthmatic child on lots of meds to a very mild case needing very little medication (who even runs cross-country now). I understand a doctor’s hesitation to learn something new, but to scare people away from it is just plain bad doctoring…

Maxmakc Member

Maxmakc, that’s great that salt room therapy has helped your daughter so much! And congrats to her being able to run cross-country now! I recently started biking and am learning how critical it is to have my asthma controlled.

Kathy PAAFA VP of Community


I go to the salt room 3-5 times a week. I have gotten off Spiriva and Advair. Without those inhalers, and only salt, I have been able to increase my lung function by 20-25%. The only thing I advise is to go a lot at first, then you should be able to maintenance with a couple days a week. If I do not go one week, I slowly feel respiratory symptoms start to return. The bad news is you do have to continue go to the salt room for it to work. Also, I do not work for a salt room, but have considered having one built in a small portable building. I love the salt room.


In Northern Virginia, they have a Korean Spa. It is nice and clean. In the coed part, people have to wear jumpsuits. They have about 4 different rooms, one of them is a salt room. I spent about 30 minutes in there and it was great. My lungs felt much better It is a two hour drive from my house, so I have only been there once. I plan to go again in a few weeks. The baths are great and relaxing, and are separated by gender, due to the fact no one wears clothes. No one thinks twice and there is no staring. I am looking forward to the salt room again.


I can tell you that going to halo therapy/the salt room increased my lung function from 65% to 85%. It was only done by that because I stopped all inhalers and never went on prednisone. This was after going 3-5 times a week for an hour a day, for approximately 3 months. I say if you have access to a good salt room, give it a 3 month trial. I think Doctors reject it (mine does too) because it pulls them out of the financial part of it.

In other words, they make no money from it.

My Doctor has no explanation for my improved lung function. Also, I still have Sarcoidosis, so it hasn’t healed anything, but I can breathe without inhalers. That’s a good enough reason for me to go.


Cystic Fibrosis

Hi CF community
This group is great and helped us a lot.

I’m a parent of a recently diabnosed CF 8-year-old girl. She had two positive sweat tests and we are waiting for the mutation test results. She has tried Halotherapy (Salt Rooms), and we saw good results in releasing and ticketing the mucus.

In my opinion, it is one of the most efficient therapies that she use.

Jose Coelho

I’ve tried four different salt rooms this year.

Three of the operators used pharmaceutical grade salt which was amazing. One used natural salt which just left me feeling sore.

In my experience the Halotherapy worked very well. I’m fortunate enough that I can hit the gym x5 days a week and after getting Halotherapy my rest times decreased and I hit new personal bests on the cardio machines.

With regards to cross contamination there is a cleaning process where after each session the air is vented out and clean air is filtered in. This takes around fifteen munutes.

I was so blown away by the results that I’ve set up my own salt room, mainly for personal use but I will be using it as a business as well.

I was initially skeptical but minutes into my first treatment I felt a difference =)

Tommy Davidson
New member

Huntington Matters Community Forum

I do really love it! Super relaxing and the salt properties are healthy. Just remember to drink a ton of water before and after the session. I have felt sick before for not doing so… like very dehydrated. Same with people I have went with.

Gina Marie Bilardi

#wellness #salttherapy #spa #relax #saltroom #himalayansalt #breathe

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